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Tell a compelling story because everyone loves a good story.
So, I’m basically building on the last post: Show Don’t Tell.
Since the dawn of humankind, stories have been the most powerful way to capture attention, engage emotions, convey important truths, and influence behavior. Tap into this innate wiring by crafting a compelling narrative for your marketing rather than dry, soulless propositions.
A classic story structure involves a protagonist (hero), facing daunting challenges or threats (conflict), overcoming obstacles through struggle toward an elusive goal (the action/journey), and ultimately achieving resolution with that goal fulfilled (achieved desire).
Readers subconsciously resonate with this archetypal pattern woven deep into every culture’s folklore and myths.
Wait, how does this work in a copywriting environment?
Position your customer as the hero and your product/service as what enables them to succeed in their quest.
- Open by grabbing attention with the “what’s happening” introducing the hero’s world.
- Set the stakes by revealing the challenge, pain point or threat motivating them toward change.
- Describe their initial struggle as they venture into the unknown to remedy their situation, hitting roadblocks and complications along the way.
- Then position your offering as the powerful guide that gives them the ability to overcome adversity and emerge victorious.
Pepper in vivid sensory details, character backstory, dialogue, and drama to elevate emotional resonance. Stir feelings of hope, fear, courage, or whatever emotions your hero must experience.
End with the satisfying resolution where the challenge is conquered, desire achieved, and life is better thanks to your product as the celebrated enabler.
People are hardwired to engage with stories far more than raw facts or pitches.
By mastering the art of brand storytelling, you create an emotional through-line that captivates attention, builds empathy, and inspires audiences to take action toward their own heroic journey of transformation.
Don’t forget the CTA at the end of your copy!
And speaking of adding a CTA at the end, would you like more copywriting tips? Would you like to attend a workshop about copywriting? How about a book? Please tell me by commenting below. And as usual, like, follow, and subscribe!