As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. That means I earn commissions from my sponsored links or I make money when readers (you) purchase items through my links. Your purchase allows me to continue working as a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as a farmer and a musician. Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links.
It’s a Saturday. My downtime.
I just woke up from pulling an all-nighter after attending my cousin’s birthday and hanging out afterwards talking about stuff.
I love talking about ideas. Things you can do to improve the lives of people around you. How to achieve stuff.
These are things that pique my interest.
So, when the conversation shifted to something else, my mind naturally drifted off.
While they were talking about other topics that didn’t interest me at all, I went ahead and checked my email.
Some good things:
Got some money from a client.
Saw that one of my articles just got finished getting edited.
Saw some new opportunities.
When the conversation shifted back to future plans, I laid mine out.
Get married.
I intend to make 3 books this year.
I intend to earn from affiliate links. Create more profitable passive income streams.
Put up a small vegetable farm.
Improve my guitar playing.
Release 4 songs to Spotify. Get my band more exposure.
Do something for the local music scene that’ll increase opportunities for everyone. There are a lot of plans this year that getting through each one requires a checklist. Let’s see if I can do it. I have a cool team of people helping me out anyway so yeah, let’s see. Check out Musika Wabad.
No Rest For The Wicked
The hunt for new opportunities never end. I continue to check for something that could provide me more money or success every day.
This involves sending out applications, talking to clients old and new and basically just being busy every day. Yes, that includes Saturdays and Sundays. Mondays to Fridays are my busiest and I rarely take a break as I tick off one task after the other during the day.
Improving My Own Website/blog:
My blog. This blog. Is my online portfolio.
This showcases some of my writing skills. Well, mostly things I write without getting paid for.
To take advantage of the online presence, I put in an “other sites” page which has some of the sites I’ve worked with in the past. You can click on each image and visit those sites to check my work.
I’m watching a Netflix show about cabins in the wild. Been watching these types of things for a long time and I finally got my fiancée to say yes to getting a tiny home.
Have a happy saturday!
Ok, I guess that’s it, time to do some yoga.