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Of Dreams and Rabies Awareness
It was such coincidence that I spent the entire night dreaming of dogs, cats, and bats. They were either chasing me, clawing at me, or flying straight towards me. When I woke up, I knew I wanted to write something about rabies awareness for Canomed Corporation.
And when I sent it to my wife for proofreading she told me it was World Rabies Day. So I hurriedly published it just so I’d be a part of World Rabies Day.
What a coincidence huh?
Well that coincidence, made me think a lot about the virus which prompted me to write things related to it.
DNA and Basic Writing Structures
I went into such a deep dive with the rabies topic that I began reading about DNA. Which made me think about basic structures and eventually basic writing structures.
I realized everyone else was writing more advanced stuff about writing that not enough is given to the basics.
Or maybe I’m searching in the wrong places. But, anyway, I’d like to add my perspective on how to write using the basic writing structure through Filipino Writers PH and hope it helps the members who take the time to read it.
Of Rabies and Rabid Fans
By now, the New Vibe Ph visit to Davao is done featuring Tanya Markova, Agaw Agimat, and Olkisrotom. Local bands Loo’sid and my band AcidRadius also played.
It was a fun night.
We started the gig by warming up the crowd. Next to go up onstage to deliver a 90s vibe set was Loo’sid which transported almost everyone back to the grunge era with covers from Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains.
More About Rabies Awareness with Hayop Etcetera
At Hayop Etcetera, we love all things with fur, feathers, skin, and scales. But love should be tempered with a little caution.
As a continuation of the rabies awareness topic, I decided that the Hayop Etcetera blog would be the proper platform to educate more people about the virus, how to spot symptoms, how to treat, how to prevent it from spreading and other things that they may not be aware of.
Taking a Break from Rabies and Rabies Awareness
I attended Teachers’ Day at my son’s school and forgot to bring anything. I have to remember to bring them something next week to make up for it.
Had a haircut, went grocery shopping, went home and wrote about modular homes and prepared for a gig.
I had to take a break from writing about rabies awareness. In fact, I wanted to be so far from the subject since I’d been thinking about it the entire week. I’d also been reading about it so much.
It was time to take a break and write about something I really liked. Like modular homes for Biyernes.com
Of Rabies Awareness, Rockstar Lifestyles and Life’s Realizations
Last night it rained really hard. There was flooding everywhere especially in Lanang. It continued to rain until the early morning, stopping a few times before continuing on.
I came home to a sink full of unwashed dishes.
I had no choice but to clean up. Talk about a glamorous rockstar lifestyle. This is real life. The life of a dad.
And I got to thinking while my hands were full of soapy suds, scrubbing away, “we only have one life to live”.
I’ve had this conversation with myself several times in the past and one of the most recent ones, were the ones involving my son. What future am I to give to him? What example can I be to him? These are things that are constantly on my mind.
I hope he grows up to be a good man. A better man than I.
All I can do is provide the foundation for him to become one.
If that means writing about rabies awareness on a regular basis, then so be it.