As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. That means I earn commissions from my sponsored links or I make money when readers (you) purchase items through my links. Your purchase allows me to continue working as a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as a farmer and a musician. Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links.
How would you want to earn lots of money, work in a cool place, live in a really nice city and have more than enough time to spend with your family to say that your work-life balance is tipped in your favor?
Ok here we go, here’s the pitch: Davao is the best city to live in today. Dash 10 is the best Digital Marketing Company in Davao City.
How can I say that? Well, I recently went to Singapore and guess what, all I wanted was to go back home to Davao.
The food here is great, beaches are nearby, people are friendly, crime rates are basically almost non-existent and there are so many opportunities popping up in the city!
I work for a digital marketing company, Dash 10 Managed Services, the best company to work for if you’re a digital nomad. We’re on that brink, that precipice, that edge that will make us the biggest company in Davao City. Perhaps even the world.
How can I say that?
We’re partnered with Google through Zeald!
We’re looking for three people for three key roles.
We need a Software Architect

Ok, so no one’s been able to tell me what a Software Architect actually does. Computers baffle me. You’re basically going to be the equivalent of Gandalf when it comes to conjuring stuff out of thin air and making sure the world is a perfect place to live in.
Hey, if you get the job, will you show me what it is you really do?
We need a WordPress Solutions Specialist

You’ll basically be doing all the things someone with a high level WordPress skills is supposed to be doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah… I’m not that much of a techie. But hey, you’ll have an entire gang of tech geeks and nerds to partner up with. Yeah, I said nerd.
We need a Recruitment Specialist

What we basically need is someone who will get the right people to fill up the right spots within the company. We need someone who can convince people better than I can to come in and be part of our digital tribe.
We can work together to create a really huge network of people so we can provide jobs for the future generation. And then we’ll look at all this and say “hey, I was part of that”
We provide a good compensation package for qualified people with the talents and skills we need. Continuous training is provided all throughout your career with us (heck we’ll even help you map it out). We get two weeks off during the holidays and there are more benefits here than I can list down without boring the hell out of everyone.
Oh yeah, medical and dental are included Aaaaaaaaaand there’s a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very nice signing bonus for you (and for me, ’cause I really need the money too) if you do decide to be a part of us.
Not from Davao City?
Not a problem.
We have a relocation package too! I’m sure your wife/husband/significant other (and kids if you have them little things running around) will love this city as much as I do.
send me an email and let’s get you started on your career with Dash 10 Managed Services.
Or you could also just put my name on your resume to make it look cooler 😀 Chipester Khan, Chip Khan, Chip Canonigo any of those names will do. Referrals work in this manner: You get money, I get money but only if I refer you 😀 alright? Cool!
Where’s Dash 10 Managed Services located in Davao City?
Here it is!