As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. That means I earn commissions from my sponsored links or I make money when readers (you) purchase items through my links. Your purchase allows me to continue working as a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as a farmer and a musician. Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links.
As a father, farmer and freelancer, I live a very busy life. I’m almost always doing something and it’s something I really like. After all, idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
As much as possible, I involve myself in various projects. One ambitious project I’m embarking on is populating all of the blogs under my management. That along with providing my 100% at work as a Local Search Engine optimization Specialist and caring for my son.
Here’s a recap of the previous week.
Writing for CanomedCorp
Monday was a very busy day for me.
Posted my Ozempic Diet on CanomedCorp.Com. I’ve always had an issue with my weight since I turned 40. It was time for drastic measures. And I’m hoping that my post will help someone in a similar situation.
The Contrast of Life and Death
One of my wife’s friend’s dad died.
He was 70.
And it makes you question your mortality.
I’m at that age now where I worry about how old I’ll be before I die. Will I still be around when Lyle gets married and has his own family?
We attended the wake at Cosmo.
While there, I observed the contrast between the sadness of the wake due to the passing of a very accomplished man (he was a doctor and he was able to provide for his family well) and the noise of the children playing.
It seemed like the jubilant noises they made told everyone that life continues despite the evidence of death.
I like exploring ideas like these and made a mental note to write about it. I wanted to stay but I had to leave to attend a production meeting.
Time for Some AcidRadius
Got to Mic 1 late for the meeting. My band finally managed to secure some practice time at Mic 1. We need to rehearse our setlist and do some production to ensure a good gig.
We’re fronting two bands, Tanya Markova and Agaw Agimat, whom I immensely enjoyed when I was young and still starting out on my musical journey.
Agaw Agimat
Sabihin man nila’ng ako ay bata pa…
Agaw Agimat had great songs and were definitely an important band in the 90s. They were one of the progenitors of the women fronted rock bands in the burgeoning Filipino music scene. Lee Nadela (pre-Slapshock) was also the bassist I looked up to because of his looks and bassline.
Agaw Agimat is one of the reasons why I wanted to form a female fronted rock band. Sadly, I could not create one because my benchmark for a female vocalist was too high. And my sister refused to be in a band with me.
Who knows, I still might be able to make a female-fronted band in the future. I have a lot of material that would be perfect for a female singer. Maybe then my sister will say yes to going back onstage.
Tanya Markova
When the band Tanya Markova came out, I wanted to change my band’s format to follow their steps. I mean being in a band is supposed to be fun right? How much more fun could it be with a band playing songs featuring silly lyrics, wearing weird makeup, and all dressed up in absurd clothes?
I was almost able to do that with the local band, Talib Band. I miss that band. They’re doing well.
Back to Tanya Markova. I’ve seen them live once and they were great onstage. And the crowd participated with their antics onstage. They also sang along to the band’s songs.
Can’t wait to watch them live again on October 4.
Note: In Keeping with the 90’s theme: There was a movie, featuring the teenage heartthrob Devon Sawa, titled: Idle Hands. It was a fun movie to watch if you were with a girl.
Wrote for FilipinoWriters and brainstormed with the other mods about creating an official moderators’ page on the actual website.
Published a review of the Jackson Monarkh baritone. I want one of those but I’m sure I won’t be able to use it onstage. You can find the full article here: Salivating Over the Jackson Pro Plus XT Monarkh SC T6 Baritone
I delivered a large box of Carboprost to a local dealer in Davao City for Canomed Corp. had to go the airport with my son and he had a blast picking the stocks up. I hope that by involving him in things like this, he’ll be more interested in participating. At the very least, I hope he’ll develop patience (while waiting for the stocks) and people skills from interacting with people from all walks of life.
I got back and tried to get some sleep before sending Lyle to school in the afternoon.
When I got back after driving him to school, I decided to go ahead and post the silly article I had about wolverines in HayopEtc. Obviously, this is because of the movie Deadpool and Wolverine.
Don’t worry it won’t spoil anything. And it shouldn’t since the movie was released 2 months ago. Everyone should’ve seen it by now.
Finally decided to create a write up for Power Gates Davao. This was something I should have done a few years back when it was still my cousin developing the business. Unfortunately, I was way too busy trying to make a living to attend to his needs.
I’m hoping to develop the blog to a home improvement and DIY blog.
Finished up all my tasks for the company I work for. Wanna stay employed, don’t have idle hands.
Ended my shift fully satisfied with the things I was able to accomplish the night before.
Started the rice cooking process.
Readied all of the trash bags and went out to throw it in the garbage collection area. While there, I felt guilty that I’m not that fully invested in segregating trash properly. I’m going to be more conscious about doing that.
Cooked a batch of sunny side up eggs because Ninang Cat was coming over so that my wife, Lyle, and I could attend the funeral. Since I was the designated driver, I was given the opportunity to sleep while they had breakfast. I woke up to Lyle pressing my nostrils together and softly saying “Daddy wake up”.
We then had breakfast together and I got him ready by giving him his morning bath. Transferred the car seat from the Toyota Innova to Ninang Cat’s Hilux and we were off.
If you’re planning to buy a pickup and you’re considering getting the Hilux, let me tell you this: the Toyota Hilux handles like a dream.
Ninang Cat’s Toyota Hilux was an automatic and I couldd’ve driven the entire thing the whole day and no one would hear me complain. For a big pickup, it handled really well. Power was great and it was very agile despite its size.
The automatic transmission made driving it with idle hands easy.
Spent the entire afternoon looking after Lyle while the somber affair was going on. After the body was in the ground, the kids started playing and I was relatively able to get some “rest”
We left at the first hints of darkness covering the sky but not before visiting Lyle’s lola Mama Lutz’ grave. Sadly, the grave was overgrown with weeds. I have to go back there soon and clear the area up. I just need a grass cutter and my trusty machete.
We ended up eating at Probinsya as our “pagpag” before heading home.
I’m not supposed to be writing because it’s a Sunday but since I wasn’t able to post for this blog yesterday, I thought I really should. It’s part of my new initiative to populate these blogs with content that matter to me and hopefully to whoever’s reading it.
At the very least I would like to leave something that my son can read about when I’m long gone.
In parting, just remember, Idle hands are the devil’s workshop!