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So many people are dismayed about how Game of Thrones ended.
It was the perfect ending.
Beware! Spoilers ahead!
Those are the only type of spoilers I ever want to see.
I hate spoilers!
I hate spoilers! That applies to both the car accessory that’s really pretty useless unless you’re an F1 race car and the people who like to brag about the movie they’ve seen and talk about it in public. I especially hate people who spoil what is supposed to be a good experience for others.
Why is it that people can’t seem to respect other people enough not to spoil stuff? This happened for almost all of the Marvel movies that came out and up until Game Of Thrones had reached the 3rd season, only the fanboys were talking about the series. Now everyone and their mother say they’re a fan of medieval stuff and dungeons and dragons type of doodoo. Waitaminute… I’m no longer with Google Adsense… I meant shit. Not doodoo. Shit.
More about my troubles with Google Adsense at a later post.
It’s like everyone is just showing off to other people. “Oh yeah, I’m such a big fan!” Oh yeah, did you see that part about… (insert character name)?” “Oh yeah, I totally expected that…” “Lousy writing” “Lazy ass writers” “I could’ve written it better…”
Really? Cool! I’ll read it once you’re done and you better live up to your claim of being able to write it better.
The complex nature of the series Game of Thrones is what lead me and my 2 younger brothers to check it out 8 years ago. We watched the premiere on HBO and frankly the production back then was still crap. Everyone was younger. Thinner.
The only reason why we stuck with it was that we were craving something with medieval armour and knights clashing. The blood and gore made us flinch. It wasn’t what we expected from a TV series on HBO. That got us hooked.
For the first 2 seasons, it was the TV show that only fanboys knew about and loved. And then the rest of the world declared their love for GOT.
Now, make no mistake about it, everyone eventually falling in love with the series did more good than bad for it. Because of the increased population of viewers all over the world, companies, advertisers, people started throwing money at the series which eventually lead to an improvement in the show’s production.
HBO’s big risk proved to be a very good gamble.
These houses became known all over the world and everyone was declaring their allegiance to their beloved houses.
I initially loved the Starks but after they killed Rob and the horrific scene at the Red Wedding, I changed to the Lannisters. My favourite, Ser Jaime Lannister. I believe he is one of the most well fleshed out character in the entire series. He has had a great ride and his d… oh wait… here’s the biggest spoiler about the Game of Thrones…
I’m not gonna spoil it for you. Sometime in the future, there’s a kid who’s going to be curious about this phenomenon and will want to watch it from start to finish. I’d like him to have the same feeling I experienced from Season 1, Episode 1 up to Season 8, Episode 6.
Good Job Game of Thrones, It was how it supposed to have ended.
PS. Not all battles are won with blades and violence. Tact, intelligence and wit can be just as effective as a nuclear bomb.