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Ok, now I’m a dad.
My son was born Jan 28, 2021 at 11 minutes past midnight.
I had just fallen asleep at the makeshift desk in the hospital room when the call came in that Margaux had given birth.
My reaction to this surprised me. I mean, I’d always thought I’d be jumping up and down for joy the moment I became a dad. Instead, I became quiet. Make no mistake about it, I was overjoyed, my body just didn’t respond the way I expected it to.
I just couldn’t see my wife and son yet because of health restrictions. They were still recuperating from their 30-hour ordeal.
I just had to wait a bit to see them.
I can’t believe I’m a dad now.

The bigger question is: will I be as good a father as my own dad? Will I be as good a father as my brother, Earl? Or what about my adopted brother, Dominic?
Truth is, I’ve always been envious of Earl and Dominic when they became fathers. There was a marked change in both of them. And I was left wondering will I be able to live up to my own expectations of how I’ll be as a father? There’s really no manual for this.
This insecurity stems from the fact that this in a few days my stint as an informative copywriter for Gamma Web will end. I’ve sent out one or two applications to other companies but there’s nothing solid yet.
Losing a job is definitely a scary experience. Especially now that companies are going bankrupt and people are losing jobs left and right.
Here’s hoping I get that job I applied for. I’m definitely going to miss Gamma Web, it really gave me job security for more than a year since leaving Dash 10. I also made some great friends over there. Here’s hoping my workmates find jobs soon. I just feel sorry for sir Mohd, here’s hoping he bounces back too.
I guess my main focus for now will be to learn as quickly as possible on how to be a Dad.