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Why do you need to be scannable?
Once again, let me remind you that the modern reader’s attention span is fleeting. Never mind the fact that there’s constant bombardment from numerous distractions from all directions.
With that in mind, make sure that your copy is easily consumable through skimming and scrolling.
Don’t force the reader to read it word-for-word.
Keep it short and simple and make every word count.
Well why do clients enforce the creation of long copy? Usually this is more of to appease their thinking that they need to get more from what they’re paying.
The truth is, a good copywriter usually needs only a few words to sell a good product. And even fewer if the brand is already established. Check out how big brands like Samsung, Apple, and Nike hooks customers in with their expert copywriting.

But as a hired copywriter, you won’t have much choice in the matter until you’ve proven your worth to your client. While you’re still building that trust, make every word count.
What Can You Do to Be Scannable?
I’m not here to reinvent the wheel.
Everything I’m sharing is basically something that’s already been done by others.
I’m just making it more accessible to you.
Here’s a trick I learned from one of these expert copywriters:
Do the Squint Test
Take a step back from your desk and look at the copy you’ve written.
See where your eyes lead you.
Do the most important elements of your copy pop out from the rest? Are your CTAs clear? Are they readable?
It’s not even writing anymore but it already borders on dealing with graphics or using visuals to aid your copy.
Anything that helps you sell your product, is good copywriting. A good combination of graphics, texts, etc is all you really need to be scannable.
It takes time and practice to perfect this but you’ll get there.
“Copy Too Long? Need Some Tulong?
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